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健康无国界 | 以色列驻广州总领事劳霈乐体验云杉医疗健康管理新模式

2022-05-05 18:06:32

健康无国界 | 以色列驻广州总领事劳霈乐体验云杉医疗健康管理新模式


The Consul General of Israel in Guangzhou named Lao Peile visited Yunshan Winlead Hospital, personally experienced the comprehensive and innovative service with “integration of Chinese and Western medicine health management”, and gave high praise to the professional, international and high-quality medical service of the Yunshan Medical; in addition, he once conducted in-depth exchanges with Li Zhen, the founderand chairmanofYunshan Medical, Zhen Shengxi, the Executive Vice President, Wang Heping, the director of theMedical Department, and Deng Lan, the director of the Marketing Department on health management mode, high-end medical service and medical demand of foreigners in Shenzhen City.

健康无国界 | 以色列驻广州总领事劳霈乐体验云杉医疗健康管理新模式以色列驻广州总领事劳霈乐(左3)、云杉医疗常务副总裁甄胜西院长(右2)、医务部汪和平主任(左2)、市场部邓兰总监(右1)、市场部策划刘天骄(左1)

The Consul General of Israel in Guangzhou-Lao Peile (the 3rdfrom left), the Executive Vice President of Yunshan Medical-Zhen Shengxi (the 2ndfrom right), the director of the Medical Department-Wang Heping (the 2ndfrom left), the director of the Marketing Department-Deng Lan (the 1stfrom right), the interpreter andand planer of the marketing department (the 1stfrom left)


As an international metropolis with advanced management concept, good urban environment, diversified and inclusive culture as well as superior geographical location, Shenzhen has successfully attracted more and more foreign high-level talents to settle down and develop their career. At the same time, how to effectively solve their medical and health needs has become the focus of the consulate.

健康无国界 | 以色列驻广州总领事劳霈乐体验云杉医疗健康管理新模式


Since health maintenance has been the cornerstone of high-quality life, not only sufficient health knowledge and medical resources should be acquired, but also professional health management is needed. The professor Zhen Shengxi introduced the essence of health management of Yunshan Medical to the Consul General named Lao Peile- that is, relying on precision medical imaging diagnosis and senior medical expert team to ultimately realize the health management mode of accurate examination, accurate diagnosis, precise intervention, regular detection and dynamic adjustment, and provided targeted and personalized health management suggestions based on Mr. Lao Peile's physical conditions after detailed consultation.

健康无国界 | 以色列驻广州总领事劳霈乐体验云杉医疗健康管理新模式


In addition, Wang Heping, the director of the Medical Department got to know the physical condition of the Consul General named Lao Peile in detail through traditional diagnostic methods in China, such as looking, listening, questioning and feeling the pulse, and issued symptomatic prescription for him, so as to “combine the identification and intervention technology of ‘preventive treatment’ in China with physical examination method in western countries. The above technology and examination methods are complementary to each other, serving as an important part of the construction of health management service system with medical characteristics in Yushan Medical which emphasizing on Chinese and Western medicine.

健康无国界 | 以色列驻广州总领事劳霈乐体验云杉医疗健康管理新模式总领事劳霈乐先生对云杉医疗的诊疗环境和技术服务给予了很高的评价:

The Consul GeneralMr.Lao Peile offers a high evaluation on the diagnosis and treatment environment and technical services of Yushan Medical, and he believes that:


“This is a high-end private hospital that complies with international medical standards. What actually moves me is not only the advanced medical technology of Yushan Medical, but also the humanistic care of all medical staff for customers. I do love here, and hope that our Israeli compatriots can enjoy more high-end and humanized medical and health services here!”


健康无国界 | 以色列驻广州总领事劳霈乐体验云杉医疗健康管理新模式作为国内实力雄厚、服务一流的高品质综合医疗集团,云杉医疗以尖端诊断设备、权威医疗团队、高品质医疗服务以及一站式健康管理模式为核心优势,专注满足人们对精准体检、疾病诊疗、私人医生、健康管理等多维度的健康需求,现已为多个国家和地区的大使、领事、世界500强企业高管和家属,以及中国高端人群提供了国际化医疗健康服务。

As a high-quality comprehensive medical group with strong strength and first-class service in China, Yushan Medical regards advance diagnostic equipment, authoritative medical team, high-quality medical service and one-stop health management mode as core advantages, concentrates on meeting people’s multi-dimensional health requirements such as accurate physical examination, disease diagnosis and treatment, private doctors as well as health management, and has successfully provided international medical and health services to ambassadors and consuls of several countries and regions, senior executives and family members of Fortune 500 enterprises, as well as high-end people in China.


Yushan Medical willestablish deep cooperation with the Israeli consulate in the field of medical treatment in the future, so as to further deepen friendly exchanges between the two sides, and enable more foreigners to enjoy international and high-quality medical services of Yushan Medical.

健康无国界 | 以色列驻广州总领事劳霈乐体验云杉医疗健康管理新模式

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